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How can I delay variable interpolation in a regex to the point of use?




For example, let's imagine that I have a set of variables and an array of regexes that interpolate those variables:

my ($var1, $var2, $var3);
my @search_regexes=(
  qr/foo $var1/,
  qr/foo bar $var2/,
  qr/foo bar baz $var3/,

The above code will give us warnings telling us that $var1, $var2 and $var3 are not defined at the point of regex compilation for the regexes in $search_regexes. However, I want to delay variable interpolation in those regexes until the point they are actually used (or later (re)compiled once the variables have values):

# Later on we assign a value to $var1 and search for the first regex in $_ ...
if (/$search_regexes[0]/)
  # Do something ...

How would I go about restructuring the construct in the initial code sample to allow for this?

As a bonus, I would like to compile each regex after a value is assigned to the respective variable(s) appearing in that regex in the same way that the qr// operator is doing now (but too early). If you can show how to further extend the solution to allow for this, I would greatly appreciate it.


I have settled on a variant of Hunter's approach, because using it I don't take a performance hit and there are minimal changes to my existing code. Other answers also taught me quite a bit about alternative solutions to this problem and their performance implications when very many lines need to be matched. My code now resembles the following:

my ($var1, $var2, $var3);
my @search_regexes=(
  sub {qr/foo $var1/},
  sub {qr/foo bar $var2/},
  sub {qr/foo bar baz $var3/},

($var1,$var2,$var3)=qw(Hello there Mr);

my $search_regex=$search_regexes[$based_on_something]->();

while (<>)
  if (/$search_regex/)
    # Do something ...
    # and sometimes change $search_regex to be another from the array


This gets me what I was looking for with minimal changes to my code (i.e., just the addition of subs to the array up top) and no performance hit per regex usage.

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Michael Goldshteyn Avatar asked Feb 13 '14 16:02

Michael Goldshteyn

People also ask

How do you pass a variable within a regular expression?

Note: Regex can be created in two ways first one is regex literal and the second one is regex constructor method ( new RegExp() ). If we try to pass a variable to the regex literal pattern it won't work. The right way of doing it is by using a regular expression constructor new RegExp() .

Which of the following options can you use to create a dynamic regex using the string in a variable variable?

You can do dynamic regexs by combining string values and other regex expressions within a raw string template. Using String. raw will prevent javascript from escaping any character within your string values.

What is $1 regex?

For example, the replacement pattern $1 indicates that the matched substring is to be replaced by the first captured group. For more information about numbered capturing groups, see Grouping Constructs. All digits that follow $ are interpreted as belonging to the number group.

3 Answers

The best solution would be to defer the compilation of the regex until those variables are defined. But first a questionable solution: Regexes can include code: qr/foo (??{ $var1 })/. The block is executed during the match, and the result of the block is then used as a pattern.

How can we defer the compilation?

  1. By simply specifying them when the variables have been assigned. This is less of a problem as you might think, as any program can be expressed without (re-)assigning variables. Stick to the rule that any declaration must also be an assignment (and vice versa), and this should work. This:

    my $var1;
    my $re = qr/$var1/;
    $var1 = ...;
    $bar =~ $re;


    my $var1 = ...;
    $re = qr/$var1/;
    $bar =~ $re;
  2. If this isn't possible, we might want to use a closure that we evaluate before matching:

    my $var1;
    my $deferred_re = sub { qr/$var1/ };
    $var1 = ...;
    $bar =~ $deferred_re->();

    Of course this would recompile the regex at each invocation.

  3. We can extend the previous idea by caching the regex:

    package DeferredRegexp;
    use overload 'qr' => sub {
      my ($self) = @_;
      return $self->[0] //= $self->[1]->();
    sub new {
       my ($class, $callback) = @_;
       return bless [undef, $callback] => $class;


    my $var1;
    my $deferred_re = DeferredRegexp->new(sub{ qr/$var1/ });
    $var1 = ...;
    $bar =~ $deferred_re;
like image 193
amon Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10


I think if you wrap each regular expression in anonymous sub, you can do this sort of deferral:

my ($var1, $var2, $var3);
my @search_regexes=(
  sub { return qr/foo $var1/         },
  sub { return qr/foo bar $var2/     },
  sub { return qr/foo bar baz $var3/ },

Then when you are going to evaluate them you just 'call' the anonymous sub:

($var1, $var2, $var3) = qw(thunk this code);
if( $_ =~ $search_regexes[0]->() ) {
   # Do something

I know in Scheme this is called thunking I am not sure if it has a name in Perl. You can do something similar in Ruby with Proc objects

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Hunter McMillen Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Hunter McMillen

(??{ }) does exactly what you ask for.

our $var1;
my $re = qr/foo (??{ $var1 )/;
local $var1 = ...;

But that's very awkward. The original string is what is called a template. There are numerous templating systems available that would make this cleaner.

my $pat_template = 'foo [% var1 %]';
Template->new->process($pat_template, { var1 => ... }, \my $pat);

If the template doesn't need to be stored in a file, you could use a builder sub.

my $re_gen = sub { my ($var1) = @_; qr/foo $var1/ };
my $re = $re_gen->(...);

Note: Inside of (??{ }), you can run into problem using of lexical variables declared on the outside. That's why I used a package variable in the first snippet.

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ikegami Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
