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Can you use emacs to program in common lisp?

This is a bug in sbcl?

Code runs in SLIME+SBCL but not plain SBCL

common-lisp hdf5 sbcl slime cffi

Writing a VOP that is equivalent to mul/imul

Lisp, cffi, let and memory

pointers lisp sbcl let cffi

scbl exception Heap exhausted during garbage collection

lisp common-lisp sbcl

How to utilize the SBCL provided semaphore against race conditions

common-lisp sbcl

SBCL error: "binding stack exhausted" when running Maxima on Linux machine

How to detect if input stream is empty (but not EOF)?

lisp gnuplot common-lisp sbcl

optimizing simple Common Lisp gibbs sampler program

Macro that defines functions whose names are based on the macro's arguments

Loading a file in common lisp

sbcl runs forever on second call of function

how to guarantee a clean exit from sbcl

common-lisp sbcl

(Pretty) Print large objects in Common Lisp

Special variable in hunchentoot

Issue using shebang to run SBCL Common LISP script as executable

common-lisp sbcl shebang

Using deftransform/defknown in SBCL internals to get the compiler to transform user authored functions

CL and SWIG: working example?

common-lisp swig sbcl