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New posts in rust

When is it necessary to circumvent Rust's borrow checker?


Multiple lifetimes and move: assignment to borrowed `x` occurs here

How can a Rust function modify the value of an array index?

How to mock external dependencies in tests? [duplicate]

Why does a variable assignment in a loop before a continue statement count as never read?

rust compiler-warnings

Returning a mutable reference that is behind an immutable reference, passed to the function

Lifetimes' handling when returning inner reference from a reference passed as an argument to the function

Why do I get a trait not implemented for an optional field in Diesel struct

rust rust-diesel

Generics plus dynamic dispatch

rust traits trait-objects

Why does the Rust compiler give an uninitialized variable error when initializing an array in a loop?


Why can't I reverse an iterator twice to get the last two numbers of a vector?

Is there any disadvantage to referencing modules through `core` instead of `std`?


Stop Rust from enforcing the serde::Deserialize trait on an error type

rust serde

Is it possible to assign a closure to a variable of type impl Fn()?

types rust closures

How can I convert a Windows OsString to a CString?

rust ffi

How to convert vector of integers to and from bytes? [duplicate]


Why do I need a double ampersand when getting values from a HashMap?


Generic usage of Diesel's find or filter to perform deletions

What happens when I call std::mem::drop with a reference instead of an owned value?

reference rust raii

How does Rust prevent data races when the owner of a value can read it while another thread changes it?

concurrency rust