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How to mock external dependencies in tests? [duplicate]

I've modeled and implemented a car using an extern crate inside the implementation:

extern crate speed_control;

struct Car;

trait SpeedControl {
    fn increase(&self) -> Result<(), ()>;
    fn decrease(&self) -> Result<(), ()>;

impl SpeedControl for Car {
    fn increase(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
        match speed_control::increase() {  // Here I use the dependency
          // ... 
    // ...

I want to test the implementation above, but in my tests I don't want speed_control::increase() to behave like it was in production - I want to mock it. How can I achieve this?

like image 481
simeg Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 14:03


1 Answers

I would suggest you wrap the back-end function speed_control::increase in some trait:

trait SpeedControlBackend {
    fn increase();

struct RealSpeedControl;

impl SpeedControlBackend for RealSpeedControl {
    fn increase() {

struct MockSpeedControl;

impl SpeedControlBackend for MockSpeedControl {
    fn increase() {
        println!("MockSpeedControl::increase called");

trait SpeedControl {
    fn other_function(&self) -> Result<(), ()>;

struct Car<T: SpeedControlBackend> {
    sc: T,

impl<T: SpeedControlBackend> SpeedControl for Car<T> {
    fn other_function(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
        match self.sc.increase() {
            () => (),
like image 55
mcarton Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 20:03
