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New posts in ruby-1.9

Merging two hashes by concatenating the arrays

ruby arrays hash ruby-1.9

Failed to build iconv gem on ruby 1.9.2

macos gem ruby-1.9 iconv

Ruby 1.9 strip not removing whitespace


commenting restriction

Unable to install rmagick, ruby 1.9, rails 3, windows

What aynchronous Ruby server to use?

ruby serialport gem, who is responsible to check parity errors?

ruby serial-port ruby-1.9

Sinatra app with sprockets not working on Heroku

How do I convert a Block to a Proc in a Ruby 1.9 C extension?

Why does this code work in ruby 1.8 and not ruby 1.9?

Stopping a Distributed Ruby Service

IRB - Ruby 1.9.x hash syntax: {if: true} is not equal to {:if => true}

How to use ruby fibers to avoid blocking IO

ruby ruby-1.9

Why doesn't `block_given?` work in this dynamically-defined method?

ruby ruby-1.9 ruby-1.9.3

Why can procs be invoked with === in ruby 1.9?

ruby ruby-1.9 proc-object

Does Time.to_i always return number of seconds since EPOCH in UTC?

Ruby1.9 and Amazon SQS?

Multiple Forms on the Same Page with Rails

how do you start ruby 1.9 without rubygems

ruby ruby-1.9

Ruby on Rails - can not install SystemTimer