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New posts in proc-object

tcl: wrap a proc of the same name

How do I print out a tcl proc?

How do we copy singleton methods between different Ruby classes?

Why can procs be invoked with === in ruby 1.9?

ruby ruby-1.9 proc-object

Why does the break statement in ruby behave differently when using Proc.new v. the ampersand sign?

TCL - how to know how much time a function has worked?

time timestamp tcl proc-object

How to pass parameters to a proc when calling it by a method?

How to use a variable as default value of a TCL proc argument

Is this a bug in Method#to_proc? (Ruby 1.8.7)

Why use Proc.new to call a method in a Rails callback?

Ruby: convert proc to lambda?

ruby lambda proc-object

Ruby block, procs and instance_eval

ruby block lambda proc-object

Why use procs instead of methods?

ruby proc-object

How do I marshal a lambda (Proc) in Ruby?

Ruby: Proc.new { 'waffles' } vs. proc { 'waffles' }

ruby syntax proc-object

Ruby - lambda vs. Proc.new [duplicate]

ruby lambda return proc-object

Why does explicit return make a difference in a Proc?

ruby return proc-object

Using 'return' in a Ruby block

ruby lambda return proc-object