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New posts in ruby-1.9

How can I print the runtime stack trace of a Ruby 1.9 process?

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Why this code is not compiling on ruby 1.9 but is on ruby 1.8?

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Where are methods defined at the ruby top level?

Why does ActiveRecord return fields encoded as ASCII-8BIT even with mysql2 gem?

Functional unwrapping of nested array

incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8 in Ruby 1.9

ruby-on-rails ruby-1.9

Why are all strings ASCII-8BIT after I upgraded to Rails 3?

Ruby clear screen [duplicate]

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ruby 1.9 - what is easiest inverse of `string.codepoints.to_a`?

ruby unicode ruby-1.9

Paper Clip failing to save attachment

How can I match Korean characters in a Ruby regular expression?

ruby regex unicode ruby-1.9 cjk

autospec with multiple versions of Ruby

ruby-on-rails ruby-1.9

C1 or C2 coverage tool for ruby [duplicate]

Globbing using braces on Ruby 1.9.3

ruby glob ruby-1.9

Error 'incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8' due to 8-bit encoding of cookies (Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9)

Is there a way to call ruby1.9 without loading rubygems?

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Why won't Ruby 1.9.2-head install using RVM?

ruby rvm ruby-1.9

Can I dynamically define a Ruby method that takes a block?

Ruby Performance

ruby performance ruby-1.9

Vim, Tabular and Ruby 1.9 Hashes