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New posts in ruby-1.9

HTML tidy/cleaning in Ruby 1.9

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Ruby grep with string argument

ruby regex ruby-1.9

Write an atomic operation

Weirdness with gsub

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Undefined method 'on' for ActionModel

Has anyone successfully deployed a Rails project with Ruby 1.9.1? [closed]

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Without Converting to a String, How Many Digits Does a Fixnum Have?

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Ruby 1.9.3 Dir.glob strange recursive match behaviour

ruby ruby-1.9 ruby-1.9.3

Should I use Ruby 1.9.2 with my new web app?

Accessing compiled routes in Grape / Rack::Mount::Route

Rails not using correct version of Ruby

Cleanup old refs in Ruby Version Manager (RVM)

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ruby self.class.class_eval or singleton_class.class_eval

In Ruby CSV, how to write a blank ,, instead of ,"", to a file?

ruby csv ruby-1.9

How to convert a Net::HTTP response to a certain encoding in Ruby 1.9.1?

Splat on a hash

ruby hash ruby-1.9 null splat

How do Enumerators work in Ruby 1.9.1?

What are Ruby's numbered global variables

ruby ruby-1.9

String#encode not fixing "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" error

ruby unicode utf-8 ruby-1.9

What does "Anonymous modules have no name to be referenced by" really mean?

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-1.9