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Splat on a hash

  • A splat on a hash converts it into an array.

    [*{foo: :bar}] # => [[:foo, :bar]]

    Is there some hidden mechanism (such as implicit class cast) going on here, or is it a built-in primitive feature?

  • Besides an array, are nil and hash the only things that disappear/change with the splat operator under Ruby 1.9?

like image 424
sawa Avatar asked Jan 13 '13 12:01


People also ask

What does splat do Ruby?

Splat operator or start (*) arguments in Ruby define they way they are received to a variable. Single splat operator can be used to receive arguments as an array to a variable or destructure an array into arguments. Double splat operator can be used to destructure a hash.

What is a splat in programming?

The * (or splat) operator allows a method to take an arbitrary number of arguments and is perfect for situations when you would not know in advance how many arguments will be passed in to a method.

What is splat operator in Python?

When you multiply two numbers in Python you use the multiplication operator “*”. print (2 * 2) Gives you 4. “*” can also be used for unpacking, in Ruby and other computer languages it is called the splat operator.

What is * args in Ruby?

In the code you posted, *args simply indicates that the method accepts a variable number of arguments in an array called args . It could have been called anything you want (following the Ruby naming rules, of course).

1 Answers

A splat will attempt an explicit conversion of an object to an Array.

To do this, it will send to_a and expect an Array as a result.

class Foo
  def to_a

a, b, c = *Foo.new
a # => 1

If the object does not respond to to_a, then there is no effect, e.g. [*42] == [42]

Many builtin classes implement to_a. In particular:

  • (because they include Enumerable)
    • Array
    • Hash
    • Range
    • IO and File
    • Enumerator
    • Enumerator::Lazy (Ruby 2.0)
    • Set and SortedSet
  • (additional classes)
    • NilClass
    • MatchData
    • OpenStruct
    • Struct
    • Time
    • Matrix and Vector

All these can thus be splatted:

match, group, next_group = *"Hello, world".match(/(.*), (.*)/)
group # => "Hello"
like image 141
Marc-André Lafortune Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Marc-André Lafortune