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ruby serialport gem, who is responsible to check parity errors?


serialport (1.0.4)
Authors: Guillaume Pierronnet, Alan Stern, Daniel E. Shipton, Tobin
Richard, Hector Parra, Ryan C. Payne
Homepage: http://github.com/hparra/ruby-serialport/
Library for using RS-232 serial ports.

I am using this gem, and my device's specifications are as follows.

  • 9600bps
  • 7bits
  • 1 stop bit
  • EVEN parity

When I receive data like below, the unpacked data is still with parity bit.

sp = SerialPort.new("/dev/serial-device", 9600, 7, 1, SerialPort::EVEN)
data = sp.gets
data.chars.each do |char|
  puts char.unpack("B*")

ex. if sp receives a, the unpacked data is 11100001 instead of 01100001, because it's EVEN parity.

To convert the byte back the what it should be, I do like this

data = sp.gets #gets 11100001 for 'a' (even parity)
data.bytes.to_a.each do |byte|
  puts (byte & 127).chr

now, to me, this is a way low-level. I was expecting the serialport gem was to do this parity check, but as far as I read its document, it doesn't say anything about parity check.

Am I missing a method that is already implemented in the gem, or is my work around above is nessesary since it's my responsibity to check the parity and find error?

like image 1000
kukrt Avatar asked Feb 26 '12 03:02


1 Answers

SerialPort::ODD, SerialPort::MARK, SerialPort::SPACE (MARK and SPACE are not supported on Posix)

Raise an argError on bad argument.

SerialPort::new and SerialPort::open without a block return an instance of SerialPort. SerialPort::open with a block passes a SerialPort to the block and closes it when the block exits (like File::open).

** Instance methods **

  • modem_params() -> aHash
  • modem_params=(aHash) -> aHash
  • get_modem_params() -> aHash
  • set_modem_params(aHash) -> aHash
  • set_modem_params(baudrate [, databits [, stopbits [, parity]]])

Get and set the modem parameters. Hash keys are "baud", "data_bits", "stop_bits", and "parity" (see above).

Parameters not present in the hash or set to nil remain unchanged. Default parameter values for the set_modem_params method are: databits = 8, stopbits = 1, parity = (databits == 8 ? SerialPort::NONE : SerialPort::EVEN).

  • baud() -> anInteger
  • baud=(anInteger) -> anInteger
  • data_bits() -> 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8
  • data_bits=(anInteger) -> anInteger
  • stop_bits() -> 1 or 2
  • stop_bits=(anInteger) -> anInteger
  • parity() -> anInteger: SerialPort::NONE, SerialPort::EVEN, SerialPort::ODD, SerialPort::MARK, or SerialPort::SPACE
  • parity=(anInteger) -> anInteger

Get and set the corresponding modem parameter.

  • flow_control() -> anInteger
  • flow_control=(anInteger) -> anInteger

Get and set the flow control: SerialPort::NONE, SerialPort::HARD, SerialPort::SOFT, or (SerialPort::HARD | SerialPort::SOFT).

Note: SerialPort::HARD mode is not supported on all platforms. SerialPort::HARD uses RTS/CTS handshaking; DSR/DTR is not supported.

  • read_timeout() -> anInteger
  • read_timeout=(anInteger) -> anInteger
  • write_timeout() -> anInteger
  • write_timeout=(anInteger) -> anInteger

Get and set timeout values (in milliseconds) for reading and writing. A negative read timeout will return all the available data without waiting, a zero read timeout will not return until at least one byte is available, and a positive read timeout returns when the requested number of bytes is available or the interval between the arrival of two bytes exceeds the timeout value.

Note: Read timeouts don't mix well with multi-threading.

Note: Under Posix, write timeouts are not implemented.

  • break(time) -> nil

Send a break for the given time.

time -> anInteger: tenths-of-a-second for the break. Note: Under Posix, this value is very approximate.

  • signals() -> aHash

Return a hash with the state of each line status bit. Keys are "rts", "dtr", "cts", "dsr", "dcd", and "ri".

Note: Under Windows, the rts and dtr values are not included.

  • rts()
  • dtr()
  • cts()
  • dsr()
  • dcd()
  • ri() -> 0 or 1

  • rts=(0 or 1)

  • dtr=(0 or 1) -> 0 or 1

Get and set the corresponding line status bit.

Note: Under Windows, rts() and dtr() are not implemented

like image 187
Devansh Gupta Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Devansh Gupta