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Pretty-print arrays on failure

ruby rspec pretty-print

Phantom JS Error with youtube video

How do I test that an enum action method validates the object before creation or saving?

Why are my Javascript-dependent feature specs passing when not in Javascript mode?

Single Table Inheritance with Factory Girl in Rails

File upload testing using rspec

Getting inconsistent "Unable to find css" errors with Rspec + Capybara + Ember

Uninitialized constant Capybara

Simulate network failure / offline mode in Capybara?

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Rspec testing API versioning

Disable rails route based on flag/constant

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec

Factory Girl, issue with InvalidRecord error

Testing an association with an alias_attribute

Capybara can't find element by id

rspec capybara

DRYing repeated specs in RSpec

ruby rspec dry

Mock current_account on Padrino for rspec test

ruby rspec padrino

RSpec retry throw exception and then return value

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec

Rspec: Controller specs for 2 level nested resources