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Rails 3 integration testing - Using webrat fill_in not finding fields

Rspec: access to instance inside Klass.any_instance.stub block

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Is there a way to pass command line arguments to spec/rspec?

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how to test delayed_job callback hooks using RSpec

Capybara visit method is not working

What's the benefit of Class.new in this Rspec

Create users in Factory Girl with OmniAuth?

RSpec - how to exclude spec files in subdirectory?

How to test wash_out controller with Rspec

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No route match in controller spec for my complex route

Test with input files in rspec. How to organize?

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Rspec any_instance should_receive should have received the following messages but didn't [closed]

Multiple Expectations in Rails Rspec test

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How do I set an _id value in FactoryBot that isn't a foreign key?

Re-use failure message in rspec custom matcher

ruby rspec

Test an HTTPS (SSL) request in RSpec Rails

How can I test a rails 4 confirm dialog with Capybara and Poltergeist?

Auto-load the seed data from db/seeds.rb with rake

Capybara: should have html content

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Rails: Good Rspec2 example usage? (Also: Cucumber, Pickle, Capybara) [closed]