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What's the best strategy for adding tests to an existing rails project?

How to tell cucumber & databasecleaner to leave my seed data in my rails test db?

mocking CanCan authorization while testing controllers with RSpec

Testing Paypal Express in ActiveMerchant

Namespaced controller testing error on resource_url (inherited_resources)

Rspec periodically hangs when using capybara-webkit with a page that loads an external script with async = true

Custom RSpec Matcher That Takes A Block

ruby rspec

stack level too deep (SystemStackError) when using both rspec and cucumber with ruby and rails

Can't fill in any hidden elements in Capybara when ignore_hidden_elements is true

RSpec Controller Test not generating right url

Tests using rspec, capybara and poltergeist return empty html and empty screenshots

rspec testing throws Uninitialized constant Rails (NameError)

ruby-on-rails testing rspec

rspec stub CSV Foreach with headers: true

Rspec view testing with capybara and rails3

Specify that an object doesn't receive any messages in RSpec

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Why don't RSpec's methods, "get", "post", "put", "delete" work in a controller spec in a gem (or outside Rails)?

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How to test attr_accessible fields in RSpec

LoadError: cannot load such file -- rspec/core/rake_task

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Rails/Rspec: Testing delayed_job mails