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New posts in restructuredtext

how to insert metadata in Python-sphinx ( the documentation tool)

reStructuredText: README.rst not parsing on PyPI

In Sphinx, is there a way to document parameters along with declaring them?

Modifying Colors in rst.el

How to create floating figures in reStructuredText / Sphinx?

How to ensure that README.rst is valid?

Specifying an online image in Sphinx (restructuredtext) format

Embed external html file using iframe in Sphinx

Resize images in Bitbucket wiki pages

How to format Django views' docstring

Duplicate index warning on sphinx build; How do I include a file without indexing its contents?

Custom Syntax Highlighting with Sphinx

Vertical headers in RestructuredText tables


Can't get sphinx to link under toctree to another document

How do I prevent sphinx from making a url a hyperlink?

python rtype docstring/restructured text for class factories/selectors

sphinx severe: unexpected section title -- arbitrary headings in function docstring

View reStructuredText (Sphinx) docstrings in iPython?