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New posts in reproducible-research

How do I assign a random seed to the dplyr sample_n function?

If Keras results are not reproducible, what's the best practice for comparing models and choosing hyper parameters?

How should Jupyter extensions be installed and enabled for being reproducible?

knitr - Python engine cache option not working

Loops with captions with knitr

Why would an R package load random numbers?

Parallel processing in R - setting seed with mclapply() vs. pbmclapply()

Package for formatting numeric values in reproducible research

Set random seed for matplotlib plotting backend

Trouble with Pandoc installation on Ubuntu 14.04LTS for using with R Markdown

How to save and load random number generator state in Pytorch?

How can one use Binder (mybinder.org) with private Github repositories?

Why are my results still not reproducible?

Use rmarkdown/knitr to hold all code until the end

Using BERT for next sentence prediction

automated text for reproducible research