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How can one use Binder (mybinder.org) with private Github repositories?

After reviewing this exact issue (https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/issues/237) it seems that the functionality for this has been implemented with this merged pull request (https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/pull/671).

However I can not seem to find guidance in the docs or elsewhere which explains what should go into the secrets.yml file or if there are other steps required in order to use Binder with private Github repos (Apologies if I have missed the obvious -- complete Binder noobie here)

Link to my same question in the original issue: https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/issues/237#issuecomment-462711995

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tallamjr Avatar asked Feb 12 '19 10:02


1 Answers

The 'Binder (mybinder.org)' part of the OP's question actually refers to two things.
MyBinder.org is a public BinderHub. The issue referenced is referring to Binderhubs in general, i.e., the 'Binder' part of the OP's question. They have set it up and documented how to enable working with private Github repositories on privately-hosted Binderhubs not via MyBinder.org. See the changes referenced by 'docs for private repo access' here.
The discussion in the issue referenced says they won't be allowing that for MyBinder.org.

For access to private repos, you can deploy BinderHub, the software that powers mybinder.org, yourself, or use repo2docker, the tool that turns a repository into a Docker image that will run on Jupyter if you only want to use it locally instead of running a service.

like image 86
Wayne Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
