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GitHub reusable workflow: use latest commit

I'm setting up a reusable workflow using GitHub actions: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/reusing-workflows

Since the calling workflow and called workflow are both in the same repo, I want to reference the latest commit of the called workflow inside my calling workflow's uses statement.


uses: owner/repo/.github/workflows/called-workflow.yml@${{GITHUB_SHA}}

That ${{GITHUB_SHA}} doesn't get interpolated, so I get the following error:

Invalid workflow file : .github/workflows/calling-workflow.yml#L1
handling usage of workflow "owner/repo/.github/workflows/called-workflow.yml@${{GITHUB_SHA}}": can't obtain workflow file: reference to workflow should be either a valid branch, tag, or commit

How can I set the ref to the latest commit when calling a workflow within a workflow?

like image 755
Johnny Oshika Avatar asked Oct 08 '21 18:10

Johnny Oshika

People also ask

Can a reusable workflow call another reusable workflow?

If you have a reusable workflow in a private repository, only other workflows in that private repository can use it. Reusable workflows can't be stacked on top of one another. You can only have a reusable workflow call another reusable workflow, but you can't have it reference more than one.

How do you call a reusable workflow?

You call a reusable workflow by using the uses keyword. Unlike when you are using actions within a workflow, you call reusable workflows directly within a job, and not from within job steps. You reference reusable workflow files using one of the following syntaxes: {owner}/{repo}/.

How do I run jobs sequentially in GitHub Actions?

To run jobs sequentially, you can define dependencies on other jobs using the jobs. <job_id>. needs keyword. Each job runs in a runner environment specified by runs-on .

1 Answers

This is now possible

As of February 2022.

First in January: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-01-25-github-actions-reusable-workflows-can-be-referenced-locally/

Up until today-ish though (2022-Feb-10), there was a bug that prevented it from working on pull_request events; that has now been fixed: https://github.community/t/ref-head-in-reusable-workflows/203690/74?u=briantist

Example usage:

    uses: ./.github/workflows/workflow-2.yml
like image 190
briantist Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10
