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New posts in release-management

Django deployment tools

Proper usage of Tags in SCM

VSTS Release - Define custom variable in web.config and set at release time

Release early/release often for commercial software? [closed]

Locking a SubVersion branch in the days before a release

Creating a multi-module maven build and releasing individual modules independently?

How can i change the Package family name in uwp windows 10

Managing releases on github

What's your prefered method to name your software releases?

Open source release control management [closed]


How do we delete a release in TFS 2013 Release Management?

Is it possible to create a docker container from TFS and deploy a release build to it?

Versioning on development and release branches (git-flow)

How to release often with Lean/Kanban? [closed]

Canary vs. A/B release strategy

Maven release via Hudson

Idiomatic Gradle script to build 'debug' and 'release' JAR files

What standards does your team enforce for a major-version code deployment?

Release Process Improvements