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New posts in regex

regex: question mark followed by colon as an alternative

ruby regex cucumber

Perl: Extracting multiple numbers from string

regex perl

How to escape square brackets inside brackets in grep

Extract keywords from text and exclude words

c# regex arrays string

Regular Expression oddity, why does this happen?

c# regex

Counting characters in a line in notepad++

regex notepad++

Bash - killall -r does not match

html textarea replace br tag to \n

jquery html regex replace

Splitting string into n-length elements for an array [duplicate]

java regex arrays string

Pattern matching with string containing dots

java regex

Regex for fixed length floating point number

regex c#-4.0 linqpad

How to copy file names matching a regex in powershell?

regex windows powershell

python subprocess sends backslash before a quote

python regex subprocess

mgo regular expression doesn't work

Why `.` in PEP 0263 regex?

python regex syntax pep

With pyparsing, how do you parse a quoted string that ends with a backslash

python regex pyparsing quoting

PHP Parsing/explode Bible search string into variables or tokens

php regex split preg-match

Is there a way to allow \w inside character sets in vim regex?

regex vim

How to extract slug from URL with regular expression in Python?

python regex

Split a string and separate by punctuation and whitespace

java regex split