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New posts in regex

Trim end of string by pattern (regex?)

php regex preg-replace trim

JavaScript Bracket RegExp

javascript regex

RegularExpression matchesInString issue in Swift

regex swift core-text

Grab data from strings in R using regular expression

regex r

Java Regex: How to Match URL Path?

java regex url

Regex behaviour with angle brackets

regex grep

Using regex assertion in python

python regex

Using a question mark as a String in android

android regex escaping

How can I reorganize nested quotes within sed regex in a bash script that triggers an "unterminated substitute pattern" error?

regex macos bash sed terminal

Remove US zip codes from a string: R regex

regex r

Regex: Only allow a character if another character has been found in a string

java regex

Unicode character regular expression, capture groups

java regex unicode

sub returns incorrect data

regex r

Remove trailing slash in Google Analytics report

Use regex to remove unwanted commas

java regex

how to remove ing from the end of word using regex in java

java regex

fail2ban custom filter on multiline

regex multiline fail2ban

nginx location regex, match multiple times

regex nginx

Use RegEx in R to retrieve string before second occurence of a period ('.')

regex r

Showing email address as hint

java regex string replace