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Where to put .tmLanguage in sublime text 3?

RegEx to exclude a prefix string?


Why doesnt [.\r\n]* regex match everything?

c# .net regex

Remove space before punctuation javascript/jquery

javascript jquery regex

Removing Extra commas from Comma delimited file

regex perl csv sed awk

How to Compress a String using Recursion? (RLE algorithm)

preg_match a String to get certain numbers out of the string

php regex

Regex and Handlebars

regex group reference error [duplicate]

python regex

Using regex to parse a very simple JSON file

java regex json

Perl regex return matches from substitution

regex perl substitution

How to do a pattern range match that is multi-line and non-greedy?

regex bash

Linux SED RegEx replace, but keep wildcards

regex linux sed regex-group

Regex to match date of type: ddmmyyyy


Using Regex to split a string in C#

c# regex string split

a simple sed script displaying only changed lines

regex bash sed

Javascript - strip out occurrences of u' in JSON string, parse is returning unexpected token

javascript python regex json

Apache Hive regEx serde: data types

regex apache hive

Regex pattern not matching input string

c# regex

Regex to detect an odd number of consecutive quotes

javascript regex