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New posts in rails-engines

Rails 3.1 - Developing with Mountable Engines

rails 3.1.1 engines - with mountable engines, is it possible to access parent app assets, default layout?

Why do includes in Rails Engine initializers malfunction when cache_classes = false?

Friendly ID and Rails Engines

How to convert module class name to symbol in rails

Run Rails Engine standalone

Rails mountable engine and overriding another engine

CanCan: load_and_authorize_resource in namespace other than that of MainApp

Duplicating class in the object space object_id

Running spec for a rails engine from its parent app

Ember CLI app inside a Rails engine

Does Rails 4 engine autoload engine's i18n locales file?

rails prepend_view_path of mountable engine

i18n Routing To Mounted Engine - Ignoring locale

Test Migrations are not running with my Rails Engine, even though `maintain_test_schema!` is specified

Accessing helpers from the parent app in an isolated Rails engine

Making a custom plugin/gem/engine for Rails 3 app

Reopening Rails 3 engine classes from parent app

Rails.root from engine