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New posts in python-c-api

How do I create an array slice using the NumPy C API?

Are there any Python reference counting/garbage collection gotchas when dealing with C code?

How to clear a PyListObject?

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python c-api: create bytes using existing buffer without copying

Embedded python code in c++ - error when importing python libraries

Use the Eigen library with cppyy

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Python C API: Switch on PyObject type

Access a Numpy Recarray via the C-API

Nested Python C Extensions/Modules?

Python 3.3 C-API and UTF-8 Strings

What are the implications of calling NumPy's C API functions from multiple threads?

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What is the PyClass_New equivalent in Python 3?

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No module named _testcapi

Global Interpreter Lock and access to data (eg. for NumPy arrays)

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makecython++ causes fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory despite python3-dev installed

How can I assert from Python C code?

is it possible to overwrite "self" to point to another object inside self.method in python?

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How to pass const char* from python to c function

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Embedding Python into C - importing modules

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