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Python C API: PyEval_CallFunction?

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Import and use standard Python module from inside Python C extension

C++ Python import class; call methods

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Can I use C++ features while extending Python?

How to import a file by its full path using C api?

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Is there a NumPy C API function which will reset the layout flags?

Can switching in-and-out PyFrameObjects be a good implementation of continuations?

Embedding python + numpy code into C++ dll callback

NumPy C-API: convert type object to type number

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How do I get string representation of PyObject in Python3?

Why do i need the gil for PyMem_Malloc()?

python python-c-api

Correct cyclic garbage-collection in extension modules

How to list all function names of a Python module in C++?

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Python C API, High reference count for new Object

Should {tp_alloc, tp_dealloc} and {tp_new, tp_free} be considered as pairs?

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Parsing User Defined Types Using PyArg_ParseTuple

What does error_already_set in Boost.python do and how to handle exceptions similarly in Python C API

Do PyImport_ImportModule and import statement load into different namespace?

How Does String Conversion Between PyUnicode String and C String Work? [closed]