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pythonnet Embedding Python in .net example failing to load module

youtube-dl only extract playlist info

Does the Python 3 interpreter leak memory when embedded?

PyImport_ImportModule, possible to load module from memory?

Embedding python + numpy code into C++ dll callback

Do PyImport_ImportModule and import statement load into different namespace?

Embedding Python in C: Error in linking - undefined reference to PyString_AsString

Embedded python code in c++ - error when importing python libraries

Embed Python 3.5 with tkinter support on Windows

Is it possible to embed python without the standard library?

python python-embedding

Python Embedding: PyImport_Import not from the current directory

python c python-embedding

Embedding Python into C - importing modules

embedding python

Which standard library modules are required to run the Python 3.5 interpreter?

Embedding Python in Qt 5

Embedded Python 2.7.2 Importing a module from a user-defined directory

PyObject_CallMethod with keyword arguments

Why does PyImport_Import fail to load a module from the current directory?