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What is the PyClass_New equivalent in Python 3?

Previously I have created some Python classes using C API. When I'm going to build the old project with Python 3+ it gives following compile error

PyClass_New was not declared in this scope
Py_InitModule was not declared in this scope

What are the equivalents?

PyObject *pClassDic = PyDict_New();
PyObject *pClassName = PyBytes_FromString("MyClass");
PyObject *pClass = PyClass_New(NULL, pClassDic, pClassName);
like image 595
Sujith Gunawardhane Avatar asked Mar 27 '15 13:03

Sujith Gunawardhane

2 Answers

If you don't want to go through the hassle of setting up your object and type structs, you should be able to create a new class by calling Python's type(name, bases, dict) from C:

PyObject *pClassName = PyBytes_FromString("MyClass");
PyObject *pClassBases = PyTuple_New(0); // An empty tuple for bases is equivalent to `(object,)`
PyObject *pClassDic = PyDict_New();

// pClass = type(pClassName, pClassBases, pClassDic)
PyObject *pClass = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(PyType_Type, pClassName, pClassBases, pClassDic, NULL);

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Uyghur Lives Matter Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 10:11

Uyghur Lives Matter

to complete the answer from 'cpburnz', here's a function that creates a class object and add methods :

PyObject *createClassObject(const char *name, PyMethodDef methods[])
    PyObject *pClassName = PyUnicode_FromString(name);
    PyObject *pClassBases = PyTuple_New(0); // An empty tuple for bases is equivalent to `(object,)`
    PyObject *pClassDic = PyDict_New();

    PyMethodDef *def;
    // add methods to class 
    for (def = methods; def->ml_name != NULL; def++)
        printf("     add method %s\n", def->ml_name);
        PyObject *func = PyCFunction_New(def, NULL);
        PyObject *method = PyInstanceMethod_New(func);
        PyDict_SetItemString(pClassDic, def->ml_name, method);

    // pClass = type(pClassName, pClassBases, pClassDic)
    PyObject *pClass = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs((PyObject *)&PyType_Type, pClassName, pClassBases, pClassDic, NULL);


    return pClass;

Then, you can use it like this :

static PyMethodDef foo_Methods[] =
    { "__init__", fooInit, METH_VARARGS, "doc" },
    { "do_something", fooDoSomething, METH_VARARGS, "doc" },
    { 0, 0 },

PyObject * fooClass = createClassObject("fooClass", foo_Methods);
PyModule_AddObject(module, "foo", fooClass );

PyModule_AddObject is requested to make the "foo" class visible to python code.

Note : as suggested by 'RomanK', using PyTypeObject is a good (and probably better) alternative.

EDIT : I confirm it's much better and easy to use PyTypeObject directly, fill the structure and call PyModule_AddObject() to make the new type available to Python. It's more flexible, offers more flexibility and it's the official way. As mentionned by Cilyan, everything is explained here : https://docs.python.org/3.3/extending/newtypes.html?highlight=pytypeobject

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Olivier Roblin Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 10:11

Olivier Roblin