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New posts in protobuf-net

How to process a .proto file using protobuf-net

Protobuf-net enum backwards compatibility

protobuf-net v2 and Monotouch : How does it mix?

Use Protobuf-net to stream large data files as IEnumerable

c# protobuf-net

How to generate .proto files from Protocol Buffers .NET code?

Deserializing a type at the current stream position with protobuf-net

c# protobuf-net

Google Protocol Buffers Serialization hangs writing 1GB+ data

Force protobuf-net to ignore IEnumerable/ICollection interfaces

Does protocol buffers support serialization of object graphs with shared references?

How does protobuf-net handle readonly fields?

c# protobuf-net readonly il

Protobuf-Net: how to serialize guids?


How RuntimeTypeModel can be used to associate ProtoInclude with a type in protobuf-net?

.net protobuf-net

How to deal with null values when serializing arrays with protobuf-net?

.net protobuf-net

ProtoBuf-Net error message - "Nested or jagged lists and arrays are not supported"

Protobuf .NET Post Deserialization Handler

c# protobuf-net

Adding custom ValueProviderFactories to ASP.NET MVC3?

protobuf: read a message in C++ from C#

Protobuf-net is incompatible with official google Protobuf for C++ (message encoding)

serializing a Dictionary<string,object> in ProtoBuf-net fails

Reading a Protobuf Message in C#

c# protobuf-net