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New posts in protobuf-net

protobuf-net message serialized size property

c# protobuf-net

Can I re-use object instances to avoid allocations with protobuf-net?

c# .net protobuf-net

Serializing F# discriminated unions with protobuf

f# protobuf-net

Google.Protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero)

c# protobuf-net

Protobuf-Net ProtoMember "IsRequired" attribute usage


Reference integrity in BinaryFormatter

Any proper way of sending byte data to Unity3D from a C plugin?

Protobuf-net : Nested IEnumerable objects

c# protobuf-net

How protobuf-net serialize DateTime?

Asynchronous protobuf serialization

c# .net protobuf-net

Protobuf.net Exception - Timeout while inspecting metadata

c# deadlock protobuf-net

ProtoBuf.NET not serializing when using DataContract attributes


Protobuf-net on UWP/.NET Native and iOS

protobuf-net NOT faster than binary serialization?

ProtoBuf-net serializing IEnumerable<T>

c# silverlight protobuf-net

Protobuf-net object reference deserialization using Dictionary: A reference-tracked object changed reference during deserialization

Using ProtoBuf-Net, how to (de)serialize a multi-dimensional array?

Memory usage serializing chunked byte arrays with Protobuf-net

XML vs Binary performance for Serialization/Deserialization