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New posts in programming-languages

Should I use Jython, JRuby, Beanshell, Groovy, Rhino, or what for this small task?

How to interact with the compiler in Scala code itself?

Why do I need to write let to declare a variable?

Difference between masm32 and masm?

AST or bytecode. Which is easier to optimise?

Pass by name and pass by value-result languages

Resource for creating Web API like Twitter API or Facebook API? [closed]

How to make symbolic links in FUSE?

Turing complete template engines [closed]

Programming Languages Targeting Arduino/AVR

Implementing snapshot in FRP

Ostensible inconsistencies in singleton types

How should I manage side effects in a new language design?

Some general C questions

c programming-languages

Testing on iPhone Simulator w/o License

In what languages references are non-nullable by default?

When/why did Lisps start using semicolons for comments?

Why are closures suddenly useful for optimizing programs to run on multiple cores?

What are the programming languages for GPU

programming-languages gpu

Why there is a convention of declaring default namespace/libraries in any programming language?