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New posts in portable-class-library

How to consume WCF service in Xamarin.forms PCL?

Share static lib in Win8 and WP8 apps

Class Library Package : sl5 target issue

Trying to install EF Core with Portable Class Library targeting .Net 4.6.1

VS2017 - Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path

Can I reference a .NetStandard library from my Windows 10 UWP app?

Error on LoadApplication in Xamarin Forms PCL

NuGet and Portable Class Libraries - Package doesn't target any framework

Using Microsoft.bcl.async in PCL with Mono Droid?

How can I successfully run secannotate.exe on a library that depends on a Portable Class Library?

nuget error installing protobuf-net on portable library

How NuGet resolves references when both portable and non-portable class libraries are present?

Using latest Xamarin Studio, build errors stating "Can't find .NetPortable" framework

Is <bindingRedirect /> supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone, and Metro?

'Cannot await on Task<string>' (PCL Xamarin Studio)

Type.BaseType in Portable Class Library

c# portable-class-library

SQLite-Net Extensions Compatibility with SQLite-Net PCL (note no period)

Portable Class Library (PCL) Contrib - Cryptography

MvvmCross assembly referenced from Cirrious.MvvmCross.dll could not be loaded: System

HTML Linq with HtmlAgilityPack, or alternative, in PCL