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New posts in portable-class-library

How can I build a targetting pack for Portable Class Libraries?

Using System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel with .NET portable subset


Portable Class Library ICommand compilation error in WPF -- Not sure how to resolve this appropriately?

How come there's no IKernel implementation in Ninject.Portable

NUnit for Portable Class Library tests

remove top bar on Android with xamarin forms

Are there any REST libraries out there that work with Portable Class Libraries? [closed]

What are the decisions behind type availability for particular platform?

Rx 2.1 & Xamarin

HttpClient missing from .Net portable subset while creating PCL in Xamarin

How can I encrypt a string in a portable class library without using PCLContrib?

.AsReadOnly() not included PCL despite it being listed as supported in MSDN

Xamarin forms: Image Cache

Xamarin Forms: Letter spacing in Label Text

Why Activity Indicator Not working In Xamarin.forms?

Xamarin.Forms popup "New Version Available"

how to insert a background image in a grid of Xamarin forms pcl

Error creating NuGet package for Portable Class Library

how to avoid open page already exist on Navigation stack? [duplicate]

Download string from URL using a portable class library (PCL)