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Rx 2.1 & Xamarin

I'm trying to build an app on Xamarin that targets multiple platforms but uses rx. So far I've created a core PCL which I would like to use rx, but when I tried to import the rx 2.1 nuget package I get the following error:

You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'portable-net40+win+sl50+wp80+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

I am aware that there is an rx component in the xamarin store, but it doesn't seem like I can add this into my PCL.

It seems to me that ideally I want the core rx libraries in the PCL, but that platform specific schedulers should be imported in the platform specific app implementations.

What is the best way to proceed at the moment?

n.b. I am aware this has been touched upon in other questions, but the answers pre-date release channel PCL support in Xamarin.


I've modified my PCL to target .net 4.5 (and removed silverlight). I can now pull in the rx nuget package but I'm getting a build warning that it cannot resolve 'system.runtime.interopservices.windowsruntime'.

like image 466
DanH Avatar asked Nov 08 '13 12:11


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2 Answers

Have a look at Paul Betts's ReactiveUI on GitHub. I've not done any Xamarin development personally, but I know that project uses Rx and is organised to run on multiple platforms including Xamarin - it will probably give you the right approach.

Paul Betts's also mentioned this in another question: Is Reactive Extensions 2.1 PCL compatible with Xamarin?

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James World Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10

James World

At the moment, Xamarin Stable can't build PCLs (Alpha just got it, I haven't experimented with it though). Just use multiple csproj files at the moment (see https://github.com/paulcbetts/starter-mobile for an example)

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Ana Betts Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Ana Betts