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Corrupting POCO Domain Model when creating LINQ Entity Classes?

One POCO model with different data providers

Entity Framework and database column names

c# entity-framework poco

Using Data Annotations on POCO's with MVC for Remote Validation

Port From Entity Framework to MongoDB

Serialization POCO proxy with WCF

NHibernate POCO / Basics

c# nhibernate mapping poco

multiple cascade delete path in many-many relationship (EF 4.1)

How do I gracefully reattach an Entity Framework 5 POCO structure and save it?

Convert int to bool during JSON deserialization

Unable to use a Stored Procedure with my Entity Framework v4 + POCO's :(

EF4: Difference between POCO , Self Tracking Entities , POCO Proxies

How/Where to apply business rules to POCO objects?

c# entity-framework-4 poco

Easiest way to serialize and store objects in c#?

POCO 1.5.1 Websocket client unable to connect to c# websocket server

Entity Framework POCO - Refresh a navigation property

Entity framework, POCO and a private property

c# entity-framework poco

Custom setter for C# model

c# .net entity-framework poco

MVC3 App/Service Layer/Repository Layer/POCO Classes/EF4 - Questions!

"Metadata information not found" while using EF4's POCO Template?