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Does wkhtmltopdf offer any orphan or keep-with-next control?

Custom TOC template for Markdown-to-ePub using Pandoc

epub pandoc

How to force rstudio/knitr/rmarkdown to use alternative pandoc binary (scholdoc)

Convert docx to Rmarkdown

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How to access MathJax extensions (like siunitx) from Rmarkdown via Pandoc & Knitr?

Encoding: knitr and child files

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Numbering and referencing images in Pandoc

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How to change header ("Contents") of automatic TOC when using Pandoc?

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Creating PDF from R Markdown in a different file location

Is it possible to have custom numbers in ordered lists in markdown?

markdown pandoc

Cross-referencing Chapter numbers or names by rmarkdown

How to convert strings of text with pandoc

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Insert non-breaking space in [R]Markdown math expression for HTML output

Where is significant white space in pandoc/markdown usually regulated?

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Creating a multi-level enumerated list in Pandoc Markdown

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pandoc and rmarkdown: Can't fetch an image one level above a rmarkdown document

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How to use Pandoc filter within Hakyll?

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How might I run Pandoc 'convert all files in Dir' command in Github Actions

How do I solve: pandoc: ...:hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence)

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Is possible to use yaml metadata blocks to extend pandoc syntax?

python lua latex yaml pandoc