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NOTE or WARNING from package check when README.md includes images

r r-markdown pandoc

Images pushed off slides in beamer output from R markdown

Posiible to use pandoc with HTML containing base64 inline images?

base64 pandoc

Whole site compilation of markdown/pandoc? [closed]

How to move the bibliography in markdown/pandoc

r markdown knitr pandoc

RMarkdown: How to change headline in table of contents in R Markdown?

Vim syntax and Latex math inside markdown

How can I modifiy the positions of the text and logo on RMarkdown title slide

css r r-markdown pandoc xaringan

Specifying papersize for md to pdf conversion


How to use Pandoc image alignment to align two images in the same row?

image alignment pandoc

*Some* figure captions from RMarkdown not showing

How to cite multiple papers in RMarkdown

Preserve line breaks in title using pandoc

latex markdown pandoc

How to convert HTML to Markdown while retaining non-markdown HTML tags?

markdown pandoc

Preserve Line Breaks in Pandoc Markdown -> LaTeX Conversion


Authors and affiliations in the YAML of RMarkdown

How to convert HTML to PDF using pandoc?


How to convert HTML with mathjax into Latex using Pandoc?

html latex mathjax pandoc

Image centering with pandoc markdown

markdown pandoc

Reduce space between code chunks and code output in rmarkdown beamer presentation