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Whole site compilation of markdown/pandoc? [closed]

With Sphinx-doc, you can create a bunch of ReStructureText files, with an index.rst file which includes a table of contents macro that auto generates a table of contents from the other included files, and a conf.py that acts as a compilation config. You can then compile the lot into a single python-doc-style site, complete with index, navigation tools, and a search function.

Is there any comparable tool for markdown (preferably pandoc-style markdown)?

like image 928
naught101 Avatar asked Mar 14 '13 06:03


People also ask

What is pandoc package?

Description. Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. Pandoc can convert between numerous markup and word processing formats, including, but not limited to, various flavors of Markdown, HTML, LaTeX and Word docx.

How do I convert Markdown to PDF with pandoc?

There are actually two steps involved in converting a Markdown file to a PDF file: The Markdown source file is converted to a LaTeX source file. Pandoc invokes the pdflatex or xelatex or other TeX command and converts the . tex source file to a PDF file.

Can pandoc convert PDF to HTML?

You can use the program pandoc on the SCF Linux and Mac machines (via the terminal window) to convert from formats such as HTML, LaTeX and Markdown to formats such as HTML, LaTeX, Word, OpenOffice, and PDF, among others.

1 Answers

Some static site generators that work with Markdown:

  • Jekyll is very popular and also the engine behind GitHub pages.
  • Python variants: Hyde or Pelican
  • nanoc (used f.ex. in the GitHub API documentation)
  • Middlemanapp: maybe the best one?

I think none of them use pandoc (maybe because it's written in Haskell), but they all use an enhanced Markdown syntax or can be configured to use pandoc.

Other interesting ways to generate a site from markdown:

  • Markdown-Wikis that are file based: f.ex. Gollum, the Wiki-Engine that is also used by GitHub
  • Telegram: commercial; written by David Pollak, the inventor the Lift-Scala-framework

Engines that use Pandoc:

  • Gitit: Pandoc Wiki
  • Pandoc-Plugin forIkiwiki
  • Yst static site generator
  • Gouda - generates a site from a directory of markdown files
  • Rippledoc - generates a navigable site from nested directories of markdown files

The definitive listing of Static Site Generators

A good overview of static site generators: http://staticsitegenerators.net/

like image 112
Sonson123 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10
