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Existing Standard Style and Coding standard documents [closed]

The following have been proposed for an upcoming C++ project.

  • C++ Coding Standards, by Sutter and Alexandrescu
  • JSF Air Vehicle C++ coding standards
  • The Elements of C++ Style
  • Effective C++ 3rd Edition, by Scott Meyers

Are there other choices? Or is the list above what be should used on a C++ project?

Some related links

  • Do you think a software company should impose developers a coding-style?
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66268/what-is-the-best-cc-coding-style-closed
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jnancheta Avatar asked Sep 28 '08 09:09


People also ask

What is coding standard document?

What are Coding Standards? Think of coding standards as a set of rules, techniques, and best practices to create cleaner, more readable, more efficient code with minimal errors. They offer a uniform format by which software engineers can use to build sophisticated and highly functional code.

What is the purpose of standard style of coding?

A coding standard gives a uniform appearance to the codes written by different engineers. It improves readability, and maintainability of the code and it reduces complexity also. It helps in code reuse and helps to detect error easily. It promotes sound programming practices and increases efficiency of the programmers.

Why it is important to follow coding guidelines when coding procedures?

Coding standards help you develop less complex software and, therefore, reduce errors. Improvement of the bug fixing process: with coding standards, it becomes easier for developers to locate and correct bugs in the source code because it is written in a consistent manner.

2 Answers

C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices (C++ In-Depth Series) by Herb Sutter and, Andrei Alexandrescu.

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Scott Langham Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09

Scott Langham

I really think it does not matter which one you adopt, as long as everyone goes along with it. Sometimes that can be hard as it seems that some styles don't agree with peoples tases. I.e. it comes down to arguing about whether prefixing all member variable with m_ is pretty or not.

I have been using and modifying the Geosoft standards for a while, these are for C++. There are some other at the what-is-your-favorite-coding-guidelines-checklist thread

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Harald Scheirich Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

Harald Scheirich