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Secure Memory Allocator in C++

I want to create an allocator which provides memory with the following attributes:

  • cannot be paged to disk.
  • is incredibly hard to access through an attached debugger

The idea is that this will contain sensitive information (like licence information) which should be inaccessible to the user. I have done the usual research online and asked a few other people about this, but I cannot find a good place start on this problem.


Josh mentions using VirtualAlloc to set protection on the memory space. I have created a custom allocator ( shown below ) I have found the using the VirtualLock function it limits the amount of memory I can allocate. This seems to be by design though. Since I am using it for small objects this is not a problem.

template<class _Ty>
class LockedVirtualMemAllocator : public std::allocator<_Ty>
    template<class _Other>
    LockedVirtualMemAllocator<_Ty>& operator=(const LockedVirtualMemAllocator<_Other>&)
    {   // assign from a related LockedVirtualMemAllocator (do nothing)
        return (*this);

    template<class Other>
    struct rebind {
        typedef LockedVirtualMemAllocator<Other> other;

    pointer allocate( size_type _n )
        SIZE_T  allocLen = (_n * sizeof(_Ty));
        DWORD   allocType = MEM_COMMIT;
        DWORD   allocProtect = PAGE_READWRITE;
        LPVOID pMem = ::VirtualAlloc( NULL, allocLen, allocType, allocProtect );
        if ( pMem != NULL ) {
            ::VirtualLock( pMem, allocLen );
        return reinterpret_cast<pointer>( pMem );
    pointer allocate( size_type _n, const void* )
        return allocate( _n );

    void deallocate(void* _pPtr, size_type _n )
        if ( _pPtr != NULL ) {
            SIZE_T  allocLen = (_n * sizeof(_Ty));
            ::SecureZeroMemory( _pPtr, allocLen );
            ::VirtualUnlock( _pPtr, allocLen );
            ::VirtualFree( _pPtr, 0, MEM_RELEASE );

and is used

 //a memory safe std::string
 typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, 
                           LockedVirtualMemAllocato<char> > modulestring_t;

Ted Percival mentions mlock, but I have no implementation of that yet.

I found Practical Cryptography by Neil Furguson and Bruce Schneier quite helpful as well.

like image 855
roo Avatar asked Aug 12 '08 04:08


1 Answers

You can't really protect against memory access. You can probably prevent paging if you are running as an admin or as the system, but you cannot prevent the admin or system from reading your memory. Even if you could somehow completely block other processes from reading your memory (which you can't), another process could still actually inject a new thread into your process and read the memory that way.

Even if you could somehow completely lock down your process and guarantee that the OS would never allow anyone else to access your process, you still don't have full protection. The entire OS could be running in a virtual machine, which could be paused and inspected at any time.

You cannot protect memory contents from the owner of the system. Hollywood and the music industry have been aching for this for years. If it were possible, they'd already be doing it.

like image 158
Derek Park Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Derek Park