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RapidJSON library getting a value inside an array by its index





{"hi": "hellow",


Accessing RapidJSON inside array:

this works: cout << "HI VALUE:" << variable["hi"].GetString() << endl; this will output: hellow as expected, the problem is to access inside values like if I want to get "Important_Value", I tried something like this: cout << "Key VALUE:" << variable["first"]["next"][0]["key"].GetString() << endl ; but this doesn't work, I want to be able to get the "important_value" by the first item of the array, and in this case it's the [0] that is causing error.

How do I do to get it by its index? I hope it's clear my explanation.

Thanks in advance.

like image 433
Grego Avatar asked Apr 06 '12 00:04


3 Answers


    {"hi": "hellow", "first":  {"next":[{"key":"important_value"}  ] } }


rapidjson::Document document;       

if (document.Parse<0>(json).HasParseError() == false)
    const Value& a = document["first"];

    const Value& b = a["next"];

    // rapidjson uses SizeType instead of size_t.
    for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < b.Size(); i++)
        const Value& c = b[i];

        printf("%s \n",c["key"].GetString());

Will print important_value

like image 102
mola10 Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 00:11



By clever work of contributors, RapidJSON can now disambiguate literal 0 from string. So the issue is no longer happens.


The problem, as mjean pointed out, the compiler is unable to determine whether it should call the object member accessor or the array element accessor, by literial 0:

GenericValue& operator[](const Ch* name)
GenericValue& operator[](SizeType index)

Using [0u] or [SizeType(0)] can workaround this.

Another way to cope with this problem is stop using overloaded version for operator[]. For example, using operator() for one type of access. Or using normal functions, e.g GetMember(), GetElement(). But I do not have preference on this right now. Other suggestions are welcome.

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Milo Yip Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 00:11

Milo Yip

I noticed this in the tutorial.cpp file;

// Note:
//int x = a[0].GetInt();         // Error: operator[ is ambiguous, as 0 also mean a null pointer of const char* type.
int y = a[SizeType(0)].GetInt(); // Cast to SizeType will work.
int z = a[0u].GetInt();          // This works too.

I didnt test it but you may want to try one of these;



like image 3
mjean Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 01:11
