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Google Voice API Documentation [closed]

I've spent the last hour searching for an official Google Voice API documentation but couldn't find anything but a bunch of API wrappers in (insert your favorite programming language here).

Does a documentation for Google Voice's API not exist?

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Omar Avatar asked Jun 19 '10 03:06


2 Answers

If you're okay with JavaScript you can take a look at their chrome extension, it gives you good idea on how to hack something together. For instance I've found this: http://google.com/voice/request/messages it gives you a list of messages in JSON http://google.com/voice/request/user gives you your contacts and your GV number

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David Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10


I don't believe Google has officially published an API yet.

You might want to refer to this post:
Is there a Google Voice API?

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BenV Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 17:10
