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What is a good tool for writing a user manual (help file), which integrates with version control [closed]

The people writing the user manual are not necessarily programmers, and they need a visual editor. A major issue is the internal format of the authoring tool; it should be readable text/html, so it's easy to compare versions of individual pages checked into version control.

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Ola Eldøy Avatar asked Sep 30 '08 08:09

Ola Eldøy

People also ask

What is the best program to create a manual?

Manula. One of the easiest tools to write a user manual, Manula comes with attractive content writing, formatting, and publishing features. The software helps you embed videos and images, manage multiple versions of a document, and even add password protection to keep the manual private.

1 Answers


alt text
(source: docbook.org)

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prakash Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10
