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New posts in package-managers

Is there an easy way to switch from local project references to nuget packages?

.net nuget package-managers

Windows - Android SDK manager not listing any platforms or packages to install

Emacs package-install inserting extra dash?

Buildroot package management

How can I use an unregistered package in Julia?

julia package-managers

How to get source package with aptitude on linux?

linux package-managers

pip installing data files to the wrong place

composer install pear package

ExecutionPolicy issue preventing access to Package Manager Console in VS

My package manager broke when I installed Heroku

Why we need a package manager like Nuget?

Entity Framework Migrations - support for dynamic connection string

How to use browserify with fonts

Possible to install Anaconda without **any** default environment?

Generating a Nix package from a stack project

Device or resource busy - Docker

Windows package-manager for C++ libraries

Equivalent in yum of apt-get update

yum rhel apt package-managers

Is there a package manager for D?

d package-managers

Bootstrap 4 library name in Libman (CDNJS) from Visual Studio 2019