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New posts in entity-framework-4.3

Code First Fluent API validation not working

Define optional self-referencing one-many relationship with Fluent Api

c# entity-framework-4.3

How can I generate DDL scripts from Entity Framework 4.3 Code-First Model?

Mapping a self-join to a collection in code first entity framework 4.3

Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint on table may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths causing Database.SetInitializer to not work?

Many-many relationship in Entity Framework Code First and using the "virtual" keyword to access each other

Saving single objects with Entity Framework code first

How to use database default for CreatedDate column in EF code-first 4.3?

How to handle EF 4.3.1 setting Modified a Rowversion Row

EF 4.3 Code Migrations with CreateIndex and Anonymous Arguments

Entity Framework Code First versus Guid

How are the compressed models stored in the EF 4.3 Code First Migrations __MigrationHistory table created?

How to get around "Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025."?

Is it acceptable to put seed data in the OnModelCreating method in EF code-first?

EF 4.3.1 Migration Exception - AlterColumn defaultValueSql creates same default constraint name for different tables

Entity Framework 4.3 - TPH mapping and migration error

How to create database using code first migrations?