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New posts in entity-framework-4.3

EF 4.3 Code First: Table per Type (TPT) with Composite Primary Key and Foreign Key

Deleting Entity in Many to Many Relationship Leaves Orphans in Relationship Table

Decimal as Primary Key works in Dev (Win7/64bit) but not in Production (Win2008R2/64bit) Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program

Make EF4.3 Code First Migrations ignore pending migrations

EF (Entity Framework) 4.3 Migration tool does not work on EF 4.1 DB

Entity Framework Cardinality Issue on a 0...1 Association

Cannot update many-to-many relationships in Entity Framework

Is there something like DbSet<T>.RemoveWhere(Predicate<T>) [duplicate]

Entity Framework 4.3 Code First Cannot Create Datetime2?

Entity Framework defaultconnectionfactory

Why I do I fall into all of the hurdles for a simple update in EF?

DbUpdateException with entities that do not expose foreign key properties

XXXX is no longer used. <see cref="EdmModelDiffer" /> is now used to detect changes in the model

Why are my EF Code First pregenerated views having no effect?

Entity Framework 4.3.1 failing to create (/open) a database [Threading Anomaly?]

How can I use a sql reserved keyword in the name of a property in an entity framework data context?

Entity Framework Migrations - support for dynamic connection string

Database versions deployment. Entity Framework Migrations vs SSDT DacPacs