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New posts in owin

OWIN/OAuth2 3rd party login: Authentication from Client App, Authorization from Web API

MVC 5 & ASP.NET Identity - Implementation Confusion

Host Web API as Windows Service using OWIN

Multilingual website using OWIN and asynchronous methods

Web API with OWIN throws ObjectDisposedException for HttpMessageInvoker

How to save new record with hashed password in my custom table instead of aspnet user?

Why does AuthenticationManager.SignOut() Fail when I Change the Response?

How to setup OWIN with Windows authentication and a custom role provider

How to override default unhandled exception output in Owin?

Pass back parameters in ASP.NET Web API GrantResourceOwnerCredentials

asp.net-web-api owin

Basic Authentication Middleware with OWIN and ASP.NET WEB API

User (IPrincipal) not available on ApiController's constructor using Web Api 2.1 and Owin

HttpContext.Current.Session is null + OWIN

How to get access token from httpcontext using owin and Mvc 5

Reuse Claim in regenerateIdentityCallback in Owin Identity in MVC5

Get current owin context in self host mode

How do I get an instance of IAppBuilder elsewhere in my ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3 application?

Should OWIN self host app using Ninject OWINHost need system.web?

asp.net web api self hosting / owin / katana

Get a specific response header (e.g., Content-Disposition) in Angular from an ASP.NET Web API 2 response for a cross-origin http.get request