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Why do I get "Cannot resolve symbol 'CreatePerOwinContext'"?

c# asp.net owin self-hosting

Intermittent redirection loops during ADFS authentication

Facebook OAuth stopped working suddenly

OWIN send static file for multiple routes

Default route for root path using asp.net attribute routing

Example of using ASP.NET Identity 2.0 UserManagerFactory with UseOAuthBearerTokens method?

How to include class and property descriptions in Swashbuckle generated Swagger docs for WebApi 2 with OWIN?

Change OWIN Identity password with out old password by code?

AngularJS and OWIN Authentication on WebApi

OWIN StartUp not working

c# owin

Why does HttpListener "conflict with an existing registration" when listening to a Strong Wildcard (http://+:port) http.sys/urlacl binding?

What is the difference between using Owinhost.exe to run an OWIN web service or a Console App

c# owin

Benefits of using OWIN packages in MVC5 application

asp.net iis azure owin katana

Dynamically append OWIN JWT resource server Application clients (audiences)

c# oauth owin jwt

WebApp.Start<TStartup> Method Type Parameter

Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect with Azure Active Directory authentication ticket lifetime

Owin cookie authentication set-cookie not saving in browser

Return error on invalid or expired token

c# .net oauth oauth-2.0 owin

Use Windows Authentication with OAuth 2.0

FormsAuthentication object obsolete [using MVC5]