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ASP.Net WCF service's Thread.CurrentPrincipal is being thrown away by some interceptor in a Federated (WIF) environment

wcf wif claims federation

Prefix OAuth properties ? i.e. as:client_id

How to deal with concurrency failure on IdentityUser update?

WCF, Claims, ADFS 3.0

c# .net wcf adfs claims

Unrecognized configuration section system.identityModel

asp.net .net wif claims

ASP.NET Core Facebook Authentication Middleware user picture

Is ASP.NET Core Identity needed for Intranet app using Windows Authentication

How to separate large cookies in Asp.Net Identity into a smaller ones to allow MANY claims?

How to add/manage user claims at runtime in IdentityServer4

What is issuer/issuer claim in security manner?

Identity Server - Identity/Resource scope - How can client get resource claims about the user

identityserver3 claims

add claims to access token keycloak

jwt keycloak claims

MVC 5 and use of claims default authentication

ASP.Net Identity and IdentityServer4 Claims

Can NameIdentifier and IdentityProvider (WIF) claims be used to uniquely identify any user?

MVC 5 - Add a claim to a user

Claims Based Authentication - SharePoint and generally

How to get claim inside Asp.Net Core Razor View