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New posts in asp.net-identity-2

Login with Email in MVC 5

Make ASP.NET Identity 2.0 Email confirm token work for WCF and MVC

ASP.NET MVC Custom user fields on every page

Prevent ASP.NET Identity's UserManager from automatically saving

How do I extend IdentityRole using Web API 2 + AspNet Identity 2

How can I customize the UseExternalSignInCookie?

Identity 2.0 Web API generate token for client

Build a custom user check password in Asp.Net Identity 2

Remove User from Roles in ASP.NET Identity 2.x

How to expose /Token End point from Startup.Auth.cs with Identity v2

c# asp.net-identity-2

How to get the OWIN context on ASP.Net Identity?

How to change the cookie ExpireTimeSpan in Asp.Net Identity after ConfigureAuth

web api - asp.net identity token expires even for the subsequent request

Connect ASP.net Identity 2.0 to an already existed database

List of Users with list of Roles in Identity 2.2.1

ASP.NET Identity WebAPI invalid password reset token

'Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext' does not contain a definition for 'GetUserManager' and no extension method?