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New posts in asp.net-identity-3

Validate JWT token in C# using JWK

UserValidator in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity vnext

userManager.CreateAsync System.ObjectDisposedException was unhandled

vNext. AspNet.Identity and custom UserStore. UserStore disposed exception

web api - asp.net identity token expires even for the subsequent request

JWT bearer tokens w/ ASP.NET Identity 3

How can I change the table names used by asp.net identity 3 (vnext)?

Can we extend HttpContext.User.Identity to store more data in asp.net?

ASP.NET Core Identity 3 Cookie timeout

When should HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated and SignInManager.IsSignedIn(HttpContext.User) be used?

How can the Identity.GetUserId() be made to return a Guid instead of a string?

What is the different between System.IdentityModel.Tokens & Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens? Which one should I use in an ASP.NET Core application?

How do I tell UserManager.FindByNameAsync to include a relation?

Redirect Login to Controller Action

ASP.NET Identity 2 to 3

AuthorizationHandler and database dependency injection