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New posts in objectdisposedexception

Why is my FileStream object being disposed of when I'm "using" a BinaryReader object?

vNext. AspNet.Identity and custom UserStore. UserStore disposed exception

System.ObjectDisposedException throwed on WebSocket communication

Itextsharp HTMLWorker.Parse error

Cannot access a disposed object - wcf client

Entity framework - objectcontext disposed exception

IDisposable, ObjectDisposedException, and threadsafe types

C# IDisposable pattern and throwing ObjectDisposedException

When is it reasonable to check if this object has been disposed and throw ObjectDisposedException?

Program crash with System.ObjectDisposedException

Who owns wrapped streams (e.g. TextWriter) in .NET?

ObjectDisposedException when closing SerialPort in .Net 2.0

Closing a form from the Load handler

How to prevent GraphicsDevice from being disposed when applying new settings?

ASP.Net Entity Framework, objectcontext error

ObjectDisposedExecption after closing a .NET SerialPort

What could be causing a "Cannot access a disposed object" error in WCF?

Can a CryptoStream leave the base Stream open?

What should be passed as the objectName when throwing an ObjectDisposedException?